A film by Martin Deus
Drama/90 min/ Argentina
Lorenzo, a quiet teenager lives in a small town at the edge of the world in beautiful Patagonia.
He’s a good student and a curious and smart person, more skilled in music and literature than sports.
Lorenzo’s father decides to host Caito, the son of a friend from Buenos Aires who had to go to hospital for a long stay.
Caito has obviously a different family background and seems to be a tough kid. Lorenzo finds Caito very intriguing in many ways as they start spending a lot of time together… While their friendship is evolving towards perhaps deeper feelings, Caito reveals a secret…what will be the outcome?
Official selections
Festival Cannes Ecrans Juniors – Cannes Ecrans Juniors Award
Roze Filmdagen (Amsterdam)
Lovers Film Festival – Torino LGBTQI Visions
OUTShine Film Fest (Miami)
Pink Screens LGBT Film Festival (Bruxelles)
Holebifilmfestival (Louvain)
Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine
Festival du Film de Sarlat
Festival LGBT Toulouse Des Images Aux Mots
Festival International du Premier Film d’Annonay
Festival de Cinéma Ibérique & Latino-Americain Ojoloco (Grenoble)
Festival Reflets du cinéma Ibérique & Latino-Americain (Villeurbanne)
Out at the Movies – (Winston-Salem) – Prix du meilleur film, meilleur scénario, meilleur acteur et meilleur actrice dans un second rôle
La Havane FF (Cuba) – Sara Gómez Award
CineLasAmericas IFF – (Austin)
Puerto Rico LGBT Film Festival
The Director
Martin Deus was born in La Plata, Argentina, in 1979. He studied filmmaking at the International Film School of San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba. His shorts have participated at more than fifty international film festivals, such as Sundance, Seattle, Los Angeles Latino, Reeling Chicago, Frameline San Fransisco, Biarritz, Clermont Ferrand, Sapporo and Rencontres de Cinéma d’Amérique Latine de Toulouse. He is also a music videos director. My best friend (2017) is his first feature film.
6 May 2021